Kudani’s New Social Syndication Feature Increases User Engagement

Imagine if you had the ability to quickly curate an entire week’s worth of blog articles in mere minutes. To pull together the most captivating and engaging content found on the web. Trending content that is backed by metrics.
Adding these sought after
articles to an already pre-saved sequence template tailored specifically for your needs. And syndicating to the top three most influential social media sites – Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, with just a few clicks of the mouse.
Well now you have this power at your fingertips with the latest feature implemented in our flagship app – KudaniCloud.
Creating a Daily Masterpiece May Not Be in Your Best Interest
Time has become a scarce commodity. There never seems to be enough to get all the things done in a day that you would like. This certainly is one of the greatest challenges faced by content creators on a daily basis.
Time management becomes an ever growing struggle. No matter how well organized you are, there’s always a last minute change to that almost finished article, a radical change of plans – or even a total rewrite. You name it we’ve all faced it.
I have no doubt that you can write a masterfully crafted article each and every single day. But at what cost? And assuming of course that you only have one blog to write for. What if you have five, or ten? How would you manage that, while maintaining quality?
Today’s readers seem to be suffering from a serious case of ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder. Bouncing from one article to the next. That certainly does not mean that they will not stop to read a quality article, but is there some better way that you could provide valuable content? And should you really be putting in all that energy and work daily?
While quality content is an integral part of successful blogging, it does not necessarily mean that you need to be putting out your best content everyday. In fact it may not be to your advantage at all. Therefore, wasting your energy and time trying to outdo yourself every single day. Instead, curate great content from others, your readers will love it and keep coming back for more.
Making Sense of Sequences
One of the most powerful features within Kudani, is the ability to add syndication via sequences for each blog post that you write.
When you create a sequence you are actually creating a schedule for posting snippets, or more commonly known as excerpts, of your article to your social accounts. This is done at selected time intervals, which not only creates a backlink to your article but maximizes visibility and engagement.
But what are sequences?
A sequence is a schedule of events. Essentially, a template that is pre-configured with dates and times for posting.
You then can open that template and add the content you want to post. Currently you are able to syndicate to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Whatever time your followers are most likely to engage with your social sites should be the time of posting.
The sequences you create work hand in hand with the posts you write. You can literally highlight text from your post and send it as a snippet to your sequence.
Moreover, you can add multiple social media accounts to one snippet providing a high level of exposure to each. As well, you can have just one social account in a sequence run across a number of days. For example, you may want to create a 20 day Twitter sequence to promote your article. This means that for 20 days following the day of publishing a tweet that you have created will go out. Regular activity on each blog post will increase traffic and engagement.
You should first begin with creating a sequence. Then write your article in the compose section. When you are done select the sequence and start adding content to it. Once completed, you are ready to publish. You no longer need to touch this article. Essentially, the article will be published and the syndication will start automatically and continue for the duration of the schedule that you had created.
The Content Curators Secret Weapon
Kudani has now taken the concept of sequences to the next level. You can now create a sequence that you can attach trending articles to directly.
Posting great content to your social media sites is a great strategy to keep your followers engaged. This not only keeps your sites active, but increases engagement and traffic to your blog.
Curating and syndicating content that is already receiving a high level of social engagement will present you as someone that is up-to-date on the latest trends in your niche. This will help to build your authority as well. Essentially, you will be publishing short snippets of the most shared and read articles on the web.
With this brand new feature, you can create a pre-defined template in the sequences section just as you did for syndicating snippets from your blog posts. But this time instead of blog snippets it’s others articles that you will be sharing on your social sites.
Once your sequence is done, simply open it up in the compose section and start adding content from either your feeds or the Discover section. It literally takes just a few minutes to have your content ready to go for an entire week.
The pre-scheduled templates are a huge time saver. Once you’ve selected one, you can click on the icon next to the article excerpt to send the title and summary to your sequence. Or you can highlight directly from the post and add that. You have full control over how the snippet will look. You can even use the title generator and add a unique title to each snippet.
Syndicating content directly to your social media accounts keeps them active, while decreasing some of the pressure for you to come up with unique content daily. No longer will you need to write a new article each day. By keeping your social followers active when you do write your own articles, whether curated or unique you will maximize the impact and reach.
Furthermore, this strategy has an additional benefit. As a natural and logical consequence you will be educating yourself on the latest information specific to your niche. You will be up-to-date on what is happening. By reading the most relevant content that people are sharing you will be inspired to write even more fascinating stories.
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